We can make many kinds of links at One Hour Backlinks, and we add support for more link types as we can. Some link types - such as forum profiles, bookmarks, or wiki - will be brand new pages. This means they won't be indexed yet and will not have PR. Others - such as blog or image comments - will be on pages that already exist and some will have PR and be indexed. Those pages also tend to have a lot of links already on them. Since we post on any site that allows it and we don't own the sites, some may include content that is objectionable. If this worries you, don't buy the links. We're more than happy to delete links out of our system that are objectional so future runs do not include them, so just let us know as you find them
We get this one all the time, and the answer is "it depends". Each site and each backlink profile is different, so there is no one right answer.
Our stock answer is it's always best to have great link diversity (different link types) as well as amazing anchor diversity (40 keywords instead of 4). As Google changes their algorithm - and they will - your ranking impact should be minimized.
One point that is often overlooked is that all the link building you do is worthless if you aren't letting Google know those links exist. This is especially true if the links you build entail new pages being created (forum profiles, stat sites, wiki, bookmarks, etc). Because of this we started Linklicious, which forces Google to crawl your links and impact your rankings.
Both nofollow and dofollow links impact your ranking and PR. As you build links, realize that some links are generally dofollow (forum profiles, wiki), while others are typically nofollow (blog comments). It's nothing to worry about because we aren't overdelivering one type (which would be unnatural).
If you are an advanced link builder you may want to experiment with your nofollow/dofollow balance, but unless you're being very careful with link building it's not worth the trouble.
Google says that nofollow doesn't pass link juice, but it avoids saying how it uses nofollow for other ranking factors. It is well known that TrustRank, link and IP diversity play a role in ranking, and nofollows work perfectly well for that. In other words, you can improve your rankings with just nofollow links so it shouldn't be a concern.
According to Matt Cutts in an interview with SEOMOZ, the number of links on a page has a negligible amount of impact on the value it transfers. While the original Google patent does say that more links = less value, Google obviously has made many changes along the way. You can see the question answered about three quarters into the interview. It's a very good interview so if you have time, check it all out.
Sorry about that. We make it a goal of delivering ASAP, but sometimes our headquarters has a fire drill and we can't deliver on time. Let us know if you are REALLY pissed and we'll apologize. Seriously though, we do our best to deliver fast but sometimes it may take a day or more for delivery.
Yes. Just be careful you enter it correctly or your blast will go out with bad info. If you enter malformed spintax we'll just replace it with default generic text of our own.
We take a random keyword and match it with a random URL. We keep doing this until we hit the number of links you bought. It is likely that the distribution of links and URLs won't be perfect because we do totally randomize it.
We pull a random set of sites out of the database to comment on and sometimes you'll have your links on a couple of pages on a given site. This is normal and nothing to worry about. We usually over-deliver by a bit to account for 5-10% duplicate site posts.
Yes. We don't recommend building 1000 links a day to a new site, nor do we recommend using the same keyword for a 1000 link purchase. Mix it up and tailor the volume to the site. Test yourself to find the limits you feel comfortable pushing.
Yes. But keep in mind we recommend a balanced approach using multiple link types to protect against Google algorithm changes.
You know those sweatshop stories you see on the TV? Double it, and that's how we roll. A literal army of monkeys (no labor-laws around monkeys) at keyboards, typing furiously to build your links for you. :)
These are a variety of link types that are on authority sites and are able to quickly show authority for your site. These include stat sites (such as those on Alexa.com), whois sites showing information on your web site, and redirect sites that simply provide a raw backlink to your site from a (typically authority) site. This link type typically only includes the URL and we're not able to include your keyword very often. Keep this in mind when ordering.